Thursday 23 October 2008

Please, someone help us

Espresso, 23 ottobre 2008

«Maroni dovrebbe fare quel che feci io quand’ero ministro dell’Interni (…). Gli universitari? Lasciarli fare. Ritirare le forze di polizia dalle strade e dalle università, infiltrare il movimento con agenti provocatori pronti a tutto, e lasciare che per una decina di giorni i manifestanti devastino i negozi, diano fuoco alle macchine e mettano a ferro e fuoco le città. Dopo di che, forti del consenso popolare, il suono delle sirene delle ambulanze dovrà sovrastare quello delle auto di polizia e carabinieri. Le forze dell’ordine dovrebbero massacrare i manifestanti senza pietà e mandarli tutti in ospedale. Non arrestarli, che tanto poi i magistrati li rimetterebbero subito in libertà, ma picchiarli a sangue e picchiare a sangue anche quei docenti che li fomentano. Non quelli anziani, certo, ma le maestre ragazzine sì».

For foreign people's comprehension sake, I'll (try to) translate what's above:

«Maroni should do what I did when I was minister (…). University students? Let them do. Take police away from streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with our agents and let riots devastate shops, set cars on fire and put the cities for the fire and the sword for ten days.

And then, strong of popular consensus, the sound of ambulances will overwhelm the sirens of police. Forces of order should massacre protesters, without any mercy. They should send 'em all to the hospital. It's pointless to put them under arrest: magistrates would release them quickly. We should beat them instead, beat them to blood, and beat professors who stir them up. Not the old ones, sure, just the young girls».

These are not senteces of a simple drunk ignorant idiot: Francesco Cossiga is our previous president. And is the incredible outing of a senator.

When such people feels free to throw up this kind of phrases, it means that the country is definitively submerged of shit.

There's no future for us, this way; maybe it's really time for a civil war. It's really time for sirens.

Help us before it's late.